Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
1 ning 10

3 umumiy sharhlar

Oddiy narx 106 258 UZS
Oddiy narx 513 218 UZS Sotish narxi 106 258 UZS
Qoplama: Boshqa Tosh yaratish usuli: tabiiy Mozaik material: Mozaik materiali yo'q Mavzu: Bayram Asosiy material: tosh Uslub: Boho, Dam olish Vaziyat: Kundalik voqea, sovg'a berish Fasl: Bahor Bayram: onalar kuni...
4 odamlar buni hozir ko'rmoqda

MavjudligiOmborda mavjud; sotuvda mavjud

SKU: 17592427803122

Yetkazib berish va qaytarish

Barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish va qaytarib berish mumkin!

Biz barcha buyurtmalarni Xitoydan 2-3 ish kuni ichida jo'natamiz

G'amxo'rlik bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar

Ko'rinishini saqlab qolish uchun buyumlaringizni muntazam ravishda yumshoq tozalash vositasi bilan tozalashni maslahat beramiz. Vaqti-vaqti bilan uni yumshoq detarjen eritmasi bilan namlash kerak bo'lishi mumkin.

To'liq mahsulot tafsilotlarini ko'ring
Qoplama: Boshqa
Tosh yaratish usuli: tabiiy
Mozaik material: Mozaik materiali yo'q
Mavzu: Bayram
Asosiy material: tosh
Uslub: Boho, Dam olish
Vaziyat: Kundalik voqea, sovg'a berish
Fasl: Bahor
Bayram: onalar kuni
Mahsulot identifikatori: 05126842
mashhur bohem sozlanishi bilaguzuk kamon 4 mm tabiiy gematit boncuklar yo'lbars ko'zlari labradorit urg'u bilan mumi arqon to'quv 5 torli dizayn kulrang ulanish tafsilotlari 9

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

I'm really happy to have bought this stone bracelet, it's truly stunning!!


Amazing and true to the photo!! I have the necklace also with the same stone and everyone asks me about them. It fits my wrist perfectly as there are several closure measures with several turns. Highly recommended


Beautiful bracelet very long and with different rope closure adjustments. Pretty bright.
Given the length, I tried to see what effect it could have worn as a necklace, with the stone in the center. Well, he's fine even worn like this. If used as a bracelet, you should not have small wrists.
Great purchase.